Mark your calendars for September 24th for the 2023 homecoming Sunday & Picnic. We’ll welcome family, friends and former church members back for a day of faith, food and fun. Hope to see you there!
Good Friday 2023
Good Friday Service on April 7, 7:30pm in the Vision Chapel.
We are in need of 7 volunteers to participate and share their reflection on the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross.
If you would like to participate, please let Pastor Grace know by Sunday, March 19th.
Maundy Thursday
On Maundy Thursday, April 6th, Calvary EM will host a Seder Meal reenacting the Last Supper following in the footsteps of Jesus during his last days. This is a spiritual worship service with traditional Jewish Passover liturgy and meal/dinner culminating with Holy Communion. We will begin at 6:30pm in the Vision Chapel. The length of the service and dinner will be a little over 2 hours. Dinner is potluck as participants are asked to bring food to share. Any meat dish, side dish and desserts are welcome. Continue reading “Maundy Thursday”
Welcome Pastor Sahnhah
Calvary English Ministry welcomes Pastor Sahnhah Han as its new Praise & Worship Director. Pastor Han wants to serve God through music. He studied in China and Korea and has a passion for guitar and song. Starting in the fall of 2023, he will start his Master of Divinity study at Drew University. He is married to Jisun (Esther), who will serve as Elementary Sunday School Pastor at Calvary KUMC.
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1 NIV
2023 Family Retreat
Mark your calendars and schedule your days off! Calvary EM is planning our 2023 Family Retreat for Thursday, August 24 – Saturday, August 26th.
Location and details of the event will come in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned for more!
A Prayer for Ukraine
Prayers for Earthquake Victims in Turkey & Syria
Dear Siblings in Christ,
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this day!
As you have seen in the news, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a 7.5 magnitude aftershock has devastated the southern region of Turkey and northern Syria.
The death toll is over 33,000 lives and expected to rise as the rescue efforts are hampered by cold winter weather losing precious time for those who are trapped underneath the rubble. The devastation is beyond words.
As our hearts ache for the people of Turkey and Syria, I invite all of us to pray for all who are affected by this disaster: families who lost their loved ones, families who do not have everyone accounted for, all those who lost everything, without shelter and basic necessity suffering amid the freezing cold weather and all the rescue workers trying to save those who are trapped. For now, prayer is the best thing we can do interceding for the powerful hand of God to help.
Information will be forth coming soon from UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) about how we can be of help and bring hope to our siblings as they try to make sense of the devastation and begin to rebuild their lives from the rubbles of the earthquake. As soon as the information becomes available, it will be posted here and announced on Sunday during worship.
God is gracious, hearing our prayers spoken in words and also our prayers of groaning, coming to our aid of those whom we lift up in our prayers!
May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
This month the nation will recognize and celebrate the contributions members of Asian America & Pacific Islander (AAPI) have made to the benefit of us all. The UMC Discipleship Ministries has assembled this list of resources for worship and to help us build the nation under God who calls us to unite in diversity, including this prayer from Cynan Llwyd, Christian Aid Head of Wales. Continue reading “May is Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month”
A New Season Begins
The congregation of Calvary Korean United Methodist Church is pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Grace Pak has accepted a position as Pastor for Calvary English Ministry (CEM). She hopes to help lead, teach and grow the CEM congregation to be an agent for positive change and development in the East Brunswick community.