Our whole world is mourning and groaning amid the violence and harm we are experiencing in our schools, supermarkets and work places.
Our hearts are breaking as we witnessed in horror the racial violence in Buffalo supermarket that left 10 people dead only less than two weeks ago and the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas yesterday that left 22 persons dead including children and a teacher and more fighting for their lives in the hospital.
With pain in our hearts, we cry out to the Lord with the Psalmist…
Our soul is in deep anguish. How long, LORD, how long?
Turn, LORD, and deliver us; save us because of your unfailing love.
Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from the grave?
We are worn out from our groanings. All night long we flood our beds with weeping and drench our couch with tears.
Our eyes grow weak with sorrow…. (Psalm 6:3-7a)
We lift up the victims and their families in our prayers for God’s comforting presence to surround them.
We lift up the perpetrators for God’s mercy.
We lift up our world for God’s Spirit to heal and restore.
More than ever, our world, our family and those around us need to know and experience the love of Jesus Christ.
As we cry out to God in prayer, may we also lift each other up for the Lord to fill us with His love and gentleness for us to truly be the light of Christ in our hurting world through our actions and words that show Jesus in tangible ways!